Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lists: Sociology of Space

Working through a reading list

Hovering above it all: Hegel

Lefebvre's Production of Space. that Imagination is involved in producing space, effects the rhythm of space, marked by time, etc has gotten me off course with what appears to be Lefebvre's most well-read book.  Must return to it.

Where does Simmel fit here?  Thinking of his discussion about time and counting, how it changes the basic structure of our minds--imagination, thinking, thus space...

Martina Low--ordering of things in space--discourse.

This all effects Poetics, certainly, our ability to describe something within a line, in so far as versifying is a turning of language we can assume that the ordering of things (concrete and abstract) in space determines, more or less (to what extent?), what we can put down and how it will be read by others?  as opposed to the more common, and trite, notion that what we write shapes the present shape of things to come...

Maximus, then. Williams' Spring and All and Paterson.  Creeley decrying young poets in letters to Olson, complaining they do not understand form.  Makes more sense.  I agree and believe it's an institutional, foundational, linguistic problem.  How can we approach form when, say, our poetry is everyday further removed from everyday life. Must keep it formally anchored.  Innovations may release writers from stale formal constraints but also permits a resistance to understand what permits innovation in the form itself.

See: poets complaining about the lack of a marketplace for their ideas. This is a lack of readers.  More importantly, it's a lack of space.  We've mistaken publication, being published, for being read, reading together, doing the work of poetry.

Can't be disobedient when you're unaware of the space you inhabit. Its contours. As if the page were a replacement for a place.  Imagine a space--it's already shaped by your perceptions of similar spaces.  This isn't a discourse thing, it's a concrete limitation, a prohibition that has everything to do with the market as it does with knowing how to compose a line of prose or verse.

Look at Alice James.  Invalid.  Space.

Trying to find more about Marx's concept of a concrete abstraction.

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